Do I have to live in Mid-Town Fort Collins to be a member of SCCA?
No. We welcome members from all over Fort Collins as well as neighboring towns.
Can I split my initiation fee over two years?
No, the initiation fee must be paid in full with your first year membership fees.
Can I pay for membership online?
Yes! Look for the links on our Membership Info Page. There is one button for Existing Members, and a separate button for New Members.
Can I make payments on my membership in the off season?
Yes, the membership website allows to make a full payment or set up 3 automated payments. Checks by mail should be sent to SCCA Pool , PO Box 270757, Fort Collins, CO 80527. For special payment circumstances please contact treasurer at
Can I put my membership on hold?
Yes, you may put your membership on hold for one year by paying a $50 hold fee. The deadline to hold your membership for the season is June 1.
We were members two years ago. Do we have to pay the initiation fee to rejoin?
Yes. If your membership lapses, you will have to pay the initiation fee to rejoin unless you put your membership on “hold” before June 1st the year prior. You may be eligible to hold your membership for up to two seasons if:
1) You’ve paid the hold fee before June 1st and
2) Provided there is not a wait list for membership.
Can Memberships be transferred?
No, memberships are not transferable.
Can Memberships be shared?
No, under no circumstances are memberships shared or transferable to different families.
We are going to be gone for the month of June. Can we pay for July and August only?
No, existing memberships cannot be prorated.
New members may join mid-summer and their membership fee will be prorated. This is assuming we have memberships available; if we reach our maximum membership we will not accept additional memberships.
I have a Family Membership and just got a divorce. Both my ex and I would like to remain members, who gets custody of the membership?
We suggest one adult maintain the family membership and the other adult purchase a single membership. How you handle the financial side of this is up to you. Please know that we offer the adult purchasing the single membership the opportunity to waive the initiation fee.
Can I cancel my membership part way through the season and be reimbursed for the time that we didn’t use?
You may cancel your membership at any time but you will not be refunded for any unused time. Just a reminder, if you resign your membership and want to rejoin, you will be subject to the initiation fee.
What if we have two nannies? Do we need to purchase two nanny passes?
No. The nanny membership allows for one nanny to accompany any member of your family at any time. It is not tied to a particular name so you may use it for multiple nannies and/or babysitters. Nannies may not use the pool without one of your family members present. A Nanny Pass only allows entrance for one Nanny at a time. For example, if Grandma is your Nanny for the day and Grandpa wants to keep an eye on her, he will need to use a guest pass to get in.
I watch my grandchildren during the summer. What are my membership options?
You have several options:
1) If you have a single or senior membership you may bring your children and grandchildren to the pool with guest passes.
2) If you have a family membership, or upgrade your single or senior membership to a family membership (no initiation fee required), you may then add your minor grandchildren to your membership. Please note, adult children or adult grandchildren can NOT be added to your family membership. They are more than welcome to use your guest passes. This is a special provision offered for babysitting grandparents.
3) Your children may purchase a family membership and include you as their nanny. In this scenario you can only come to the pool when accompanied by a membership family member. Please note…if coming together, your spouse would have to use a guest pass.
My kids and grandkids just moved into my house. Can we be on the same membership?
See above.
My unmarried non dependent 26 year old daughter now lives with me. What are our membership options?
You have a few options:
1) Because a family membership includes two “head of households". If you are not married she could be included in your family membership.
2) Or each of you could buy a single membership.
Please keep in mind if you are married your spouse will have to guest in.
My unmarried non dependent 26 year old son with children now lives with me. What are our membership options?
Because a family membership includes two “head of households”. If you are not married he could be included in your family membership with his children. Please keep in mind if you are married your spouse will have to guest in.